Academic Excellence
Faculty and staff provide students with high quality and relevant programs, instruction, and support services.
Oversight: Academic Standards Advisory Council
Strategic Initiative: Outcomes & Assessment
All academic programs will develop and implement an assessment plan that follows a regular cycle of student learning outcomes assessment and evaluation for the purpose of continuous improvement and student success.
2021-22 Planned Activities
- Work with academic areas to finalize and implement three year assessment plans and transition most assessment activities into Canvas software
- Gather all assessment data into a unified analytics dashboard. Disaggregate assessment data to ensure equitable student learning is occurring
- Implement annual practice of faculty outcome assessment analysis leading to course, program and instructional continuous improvement
- Hold discussions between service and academic areas to identify student experience opportunities tied to learning outcomes, both inside and outside of the classroom
- Work with faculty to explore establishing institutional learning outcomes that would apply to all degrees
Strategic Initiative: Workforce Relevance
Collaborate with education partners, businesses, and community groups to inform viable and relevant instruction, workforce development and training.
2021-22 Planned Activities
- Increase offerings of cultural competency certifications available to the public
- Prepare to offer Applied Baccalaureate degree in Leadership and Management
- Develop dual credit opportunities in CTE programs
- Identify methods to best use advisory committees, maximizing their effectiveness and communication between academic areas and local businesses
- Explore new opportunities for non-credit workforce training