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Dr. Jessica Howard named as Chemeketa's next president

DateMonday, March 11, 2019, 10:34

AuthorChemeketa Public Affairs

At a special Chemeketa Board of Education meeting held March 11 the board announced that they have asked Dr. Jessica Howard to assume the role of President/CEO of Chemeketa Community College.

Dr. Jessica Howard

She is expected to assume the office on July 8.  Dr. Howard will be the 11th President of Chemeketa Community College, following the upcoming retirement of President, Julie Huckestein on July 7.

“It is my pleasure to announce that Dr. Jessica Howard has accepted the position of President/CEO for Chemeketa Community College," said Board Chair Neva Hutchinson. "Her proven leadership and personal dedication to student success, access and inclusion for all students, makes her a perfect match for Chemeketa. It was clear from the feedback that we received from the community, faculty, and staff that Dr. Howard is the right person to lead us as we enter the next chapter of Chemeketa’s history.”

Jessica Howard, Ph.D., is Campus President, Southeast Campus, Portland Community College in Portland, OR. She previously served as the Vice President of Academic Affairs at San Antonio College in San Antonio, TX. Dr. Howard earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Performance Studies at New York University in New York, NY; a Master and Bachelor of Music in Music Theory and Bachelor of Arts in English from Rice University in Houston, TX; and an Associate of Arts from San Antonio College in San Antonio, TX.


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