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EAB Navigate logoNavigate is EAB's Student Success Management System. It is the first enterprise-level technology to promote student success in higher education and across institutions. Navigate brings together students, administrators, advisors, faculty, and other staff in a collaborative network to provide holistic student  support across the college.

Log in to Navigate Student

Mobile App for Smartphones and Tablets

Download the app from the App Store or Google Play. Search Navigate Student. Once it's downloaded, search Chemeketa and login with your Chemeketa credentials.

Navigate Student in Apple App Store

Navigate Student in Google Play

QR Code to download Navigate

You can also scan the barcode to download the app.

Web App (accessible on any device)

EAB Navigate tile in SSOTo use the web app, visit Login with your Chemeketa credentials and select the EAB Navigate -Student tile.

New students: You must claim your Chemeketa account before you can successfully sign in to Navigate.

Trouble logging in? Email for help resolving your issues. Please include your student ID number (K number) and a brief description of the issue.