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Film Arts

Chemeketa offers three classes about film to help fulfill the humanities requirements of our transfer degree.

topics Arts Communications

Skills & InterestCreativity

CareersArt & Communications

  • Students helping each other in class
  • Student reading a book sitting down
  • Student leaning against tree

Why choose Film Arts?

Film is one of the world’s most popular forms of entertainment. Studying film as an art form will enrich your appreciation of movies and other time-based media such as television, podcasts, and video games.

What will you learn?

  • The range of artistic expression in film
  • Terms and concepts of filmmaking and analysis
  • Critical assessment of major movie directors
  • Exploration of specific movie styles and genres such as science fiction or horror
  • Survey of the history of cinema and related media
  • The relationships between technology, art, and entertainment

What will you do?

  • Enjoy movies with a richer understanding
  • Become inspired to pursue acting in, writing, or directing films, television, or video games