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Nutrition & Food Management

Nutrition and food management courses teach you how your body uses the nutrients in food to fuel itself and prevent disease.

topics Business Management

Skills & InterestOrganization

CareersBusiness & Management

  • Vegtables and fruit
  • Class learning about heart health

Why choose Nutrition & Food Management?

Nutrition plays an important part of your health and well-being. Chemeketa's nutrition and food management courses support you in your personal life and provide a strong foundation if you plan to pursue a career in the fields of health or food services. Chemeketa offers two introductory courses in nutrition and food management that count toward transfer degree requirements

What will you learn?

Nutrition and food management classes cover 

  • Nutrition for health
  • Nutrition in the life cycle

What will you do?

Nutrition and food management courses can prepare you to work in many areas 

  • Dieticians
  • Public health
  • Education and research
  • Chef, head cook and food service managers