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Women's Studies

Women's studies explores the achievements of and issues faced by women both locally and globally, including how societies portray women and how gender influences politics, religion and culture.

topics Social Sciences

Skills & InterestProblem Solving

CareersSocial Sciences

  • Two women do homework together
  • Some of our students in a group hug
  • Two women soccer players taking a selfie

Why choose Women's Studies?

Women's studies isn't just for women. No matter your gender identity, you can benefit from learning how to think critically about social issues, form educated opinions about the world around you and problem solve ways to improve society. Chemeketa offers two introductory courses in women's studies that count toward humanities credits required for most transfer degrees.

What will you learn?

Through studying a range of subject areas, you will examine how work, media, healthcare and education impact the lives of women in the United States and around the world. Content includes 

  • Introduction to women's studies
  • Women of the world

What will you do?

Women’s Studies classes cover many subjects and help you develop problem solving skills and the ability to advocate for women’s rights. These skills are important in many fields 

  • Law
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Counseling
  • Media and publications
  • Business and nonprofits
  • Social and public services