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DEQ Installer & Maintenance Provider Certification

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has contracted with Chemeketa to provide classes to fulfill required training and certification of Onsite System Installers and Maintenance Providers.

DEQ Installer & Maintenance Provider Trainings

Students who complete the DEQ Installer class or the DEQ Maintenance Provider class and pass the certification test (with a score of 70% or better), will be mailed a serial-numbered, laminated certification card.


See DEQ website for Installer criteria

INSTALLERS IMPORTANT NOTICE: under OAR 340.071.0650 “a person who supervises or is responsible for construction or installation of onsite systems must be a certified and licensed installer unless the person is the permittee for construction or installation of the system or the permittee's regular employee.”  A certified installer must be able to verify that the job was done to specifications should therefore be a person who supervises in the field during an installation as they will sign off on the proper installation of the job.

Note: Certified installers must obtain a license to conduct construction or installation of onsite systems.

New to the industry? The certification class is intended for folks with some basic knowledge of excavation work, basic septic systems and generally how to develop and submit plans and permit applications. If you are not at this level, consider taking some self-study online training classes. National Onsite Wastewater Recyclers Association offer classes such as Introduction for Installers or Septic Systems A to Z.

Maintenance Providers 

See DEQ website for Maintenance Provider criteria

Maintenance Providers: under OAR 340.071.0650 a maintenance provider who inspects, maintains, or certifies or supervises maintenance of onsite systems using alternative treatment technologies, recirculating gravel filters, or sand filters must be certified as a maintenance provider and by the manufacturer of the system.

*NOTE to those new to the septic industry: If you are a homeowner taking this class so that you can maintain your own septic system, or another professional with no previous experience with septic, you need to be aware that this class is built for those who have field experience with septic.  Homeowners with no experience or knowledge of septic systems can often become frustrated in this class.  If this is the case for you, we highly recommend taking one of the classes from NOWRA referenced in the Installer section above before you take the Maintenance Provider Certification class.


Classes are held at the Chemeketa Center for Business & Industry. See location and CCBI Directions.

  • DEQ Certification Renewal

    Your Installer or Maintenance Provider Certification is renewed every 3 years based on the date of your original certification. Below is how to do your certification renewal.

    With staff working remotely at this time we do recommend that you use the email submission method (below) to send your renewal documents in.

    • Provide documentation that you have attended at least 18 hours of continuing education classes approved by Oregon Environmental Services Advisory Council (OESAC). The updated calendar of all approved recertification courses can be found at Only courses that are listed on the Onsite portion of the OESAC website will count toward your 18 hours of continuing education.
    • In the upper left the second box is a drop down menu that says "All CEUs"
      1. Click the dropdown menu you will be able to select "Onsite"
      2. Click the green filter button toward the upper middle of the page
      3. Once that has filtered you will see numbers under the column holding "OnsiteInstall" and "OnsiteOandM"
      4. The classes that show credits are the ones you can take to receive credit toward your CEUs for this certificate
    • Collect the Class Completion Certificates provided by your course providers.
    • When you have your completion certificates email them to us with a copy of your current certificate and the best phone number for us to call you to take care of the $60 administrative fee over the phone.
    • You can also mail copies of the documents with a check to:
      Attn: DEQ Program CEUs
      626 High St. NE Suite 210
      Salem, OR 97301
    • Downloadable Renewal Form here
  • Installer Certification Classes



    Beginning in April of 2023 the Installer Class expanded from eight (8) to fourteen (14) hours; twelve (12) hours of instruction and two (2) hours for the certification exam.  The new curriculum was developed in response to requests for an expanded and more comprehensive training. The Installer Class will be offered in person only.  Class format is as follows:

    • Day 1 - 8 hours including pretest review plus testing period at the end of each section
    • Day 2 - 6 hours of instruction plus testing period at the end of each section
    • Course will include various hands-on activities over the course of the two days in class
    • Participants will be required to take a pre-test before the first day of class
    • Course fee is $645.

    Directions for registering for DEQ Initial Installer Certification Course:

    • Click on the link below to register. If no link is available please reach out to program coordinator J.D. Shinn to let him know you are interested in taking the course. You will be placed on an email notification list for when the next registration link goes live. NOTE: Please register on a computer not a mobile device. We are currently working on our system's inability to perform these transactions on mobile devices
    • Fill out the form to register and process your payment.  Print your receipt, as only a confirmation will be sent to your email
    • Roughly two weeks before your class, your books will be mailed and a link to the required knowledge assessment
    • You must be signed up for the course at least 15 days before your class date, due to mailing time of books and class materials. Link will close two weeks before class date
    • The knowledge assessment is required prior to entry into the class 
    • An email with class information and requirements will be sent to all who register roughly two weeks before the class

    Course:  DEQ Initial Installer

    NOTE: Please register on a computer not a mobile device. We are currently working on our system's inability to perform these transactions on mobile devices.

    • January 13 & 14, 2025 Click Here to Register
    • February 10 & 11, 2025
    • March 10 & 11, 2025
    • April 14 & 15, 2025
    • May 12 & 13, 2025
    • June 16 & 17, 2025
    • July 14 & 15, 2025
    • August 11 & 12, 2025
    • September 22 & 23, 2025
    • October 13 & 14, 2025
    • November 17 & 18, 2025

    Course: DEQ Initial Installer
    Check In: 8-8:30am
    Class: 8:30 am-5:30pm
    Location: Chemeketa Center for Business & Industry Downtown Salem

    Please call 503.316.3230 to be put on a class contact list to be notified when the registration link goes live. Class link will also be posted to website approximately 30 days in advance of class.

    CCBI Directions & Parking Information

  • Maintenance Operator Certification Classes

    Maintenance Operator

    *NOTE to those new to the septic industry: If you are a homeowner taking this class so that you can maintain your own septic system, you need to be aware that this class is built for those who have field experience.  Homeowners with no prior knowledge of septic systems can often struggle in this class.  If this is the case for you, we recommend taking one of the classes from NOWRA before you take the Maintenance Provider Certification class.

    Directions for registering for DEQ Initial Maintenance Provider Certification Course: 

    • Click on link to open and register. If no link is available please reach out to J.D. Shinn to let him know you are interested in taking the course.
    • Fill out form to register and process your payment.  Print your receipt, as only a confirmation will be sent to your email.
    • At least 3 business days before your class, you will receive an email with class information and directions/parking.
    • Links will be posted approximately 30 days in advance of the upcoming course.

     Course: DEQ Initial Maintenance Provider

    NOTE: Please register on a computer not a mobile device. We are currently working on our system's inability to perform these transactions on mobile devices.

    • January 27 & 28, 2025
    • March 24 & 25, 2025
    • May 19 & 20, 2025
    • September 29 & 30, 2025
    • October 27 & 28, 2025

    Course: DEQ Maintenance Provider
    Check In: 8-8:30am
    Class: 8:30 am-5:30pm
    Where: Chemeketa Center for Business & Industry, 626 High St NE, Salem
    Class Cost: $625

    Please call 503.316.3230 to be put on a class contact list to be notified when the registration link goes live. Class link will also be posted to website approximately 30 days in advance of class.

    CCBI Directions & Parking Information