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Cybersecurity Awareness

Information Security would like to help students and staff learn about current security threats, general security information and cybersecurity resources to help build your security awareness in your daily life.

Recent Threats and Cybersecurity Warnings

ATTENTION: Phishing on the rise—Chemeketa has been notified of a possible increase of phishing attempts to our students. Phishing is the attempt to get personal and/or financial information from a user. This is usually in the form of an email, but can come from other sources. The best way to verify if a message from Chemeketa is legitimate is to correspond in a different manner.  Whether that is calling Chemeketa directly or visiting in person, it is always better to verify when dealing with personal and/or financial information.

Tax Identity Theft Awareness – Many federal agencies are offering information and resources to help consumers learn to protect themselves from tax-related identity theft.

Cybersecurity Information

Malware – Short for malicious software, malware can include viruses, worms, trojan horses, or ransomware. The video offers some guidance on how to protect yourself.

Securing Your Mobile Devices – The more you use your mobile device in your daily life the more you need to protect it.  Read this month's OUCH! Newsletter to get some tips on how to protect your mobile devices.

Creating a Cybersecure Home – January's security awareness newsletter talks about methods that you can take to make your home more cybersecure.  Some of the steps you take to secure your home from cybercriminals can be used outside your home. For instance, make sure your passwords at home, at work, at school or anywhere else are all different.


There are plenty of resources to help you stay secure –