Support and Outage Status
Check on the status of Chemeketa's systems
Follow the link below to see the times systems will be offline so they can be worked on, improved and updates put in place so things keep working smoothly for you.
Technical Support Help
The college is currently open to the public, while some services are also remote.
Business hours are Monday – Friday, 8 am to 4:30 pm PT.
Please note: You may need to make an appointment to meet with someone face-to-face.
For technical support with Canvas, Zoom, or Kaltura, email or call 503.399.7399
Canvas technical support is 24/7 and can be reached after regular hours by calling 503.399.7399
Self-service Canvas help for students
Self-service Canvas help for instructors
Student Computer Center
Instructional Assistants are available to help with software applications, assignments, Canvas/eLearn, homework submission, and more. Computer Tutoring is available by Appointment.
- Email:
- Web:
- Phone: 503.399.2543
- Hours: Please call for the current days and hours that the Center is open
Visit the Student Computer Center for additional technology resources.
IT Help Desk
Help with My Chemeketa, passwords, Google Apps, Microsoft Office products, and Wi-Fi, call 503.399.7899
For more information, visit the IT Help Desk site at
General Information
Business hours are Monday – Friday, 8am to 4:30pm PT.
For questions about Distance Education and Online classes, email or call 503.399.7873
Planned Outages & Maintenance Times
Scheduled days and time-frames for system upgrades and maintenance.
Below are the times systems will be offline so they can be worked on, improved and updates put in place so things keep working smoothly for you.