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Eric Aebi

International Travel Consultant

Consulting projects have taken Eric to 73 countries on six continents where his expertise was sought for project management, strategic planning, sales & marketing, operational effectiveness and brand management initiatives.


Eric began his career in hotel operations management with experience ranging from luxury hotels to brewpubs, both in the United States and Europe. The Aebi's are a third generation hotel & restaurant industry family in Portland, Oregon USA. In hospitality families, children get started early in life learning the trade. This was true of Eric as well, who began scrubbing pots and pans at age 10 for pocket change. The challenges of the hospitality & tourism fields were and continue to be dinner table conversations in the Aebi family.

During his hospitality operations career, Eric was noted for crafting world-class service levels and innovative marketing strategies. While upholding traditional service standards, Eric was recognized as an innovator in the areas of sales & marketing programs, human resource strategies, organizational training and development, and service delivery process improvement.

As a consultant, Eric has worked with over 400 hotel properties representing the world's finest groups including: Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts, Hilton Hotels, Marriott, Inter-Continental Hotels and Resorts, Mandarin Hotels, Preferred Hotels & Resorts, Swiss Leading Hotels, Disney Hotels & Resorts and the Peninsula Group.

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