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Career Counseling

Career counseling helps you explore yourself and the world in order to make career, educational and life decisions.

Career Counseling Services

Talk about your thoughts, ideas, feelings and concerns about your career and educational choices with a career counselor. We can help you sort out, organize and make sense of your thoughts and feelings so you can set meaningful goals.

Please review the Personal & Career Counseling Services Informed Consent and complete the Intake Form prior to your first appointment. You can either bring your completed Intake form to your appointment or send it via email to

Career Counselors Can Help

  • Identify and understand barriers to career decision making
  • Clarify career paths and career life goals
  • Assess your interests, values, skills and personality style
  • Explore majors and/or careers that might be a good fit
  • Develop decision-making strategies
  • Research specific career questions
  • Establish educational goals to support your career choice

Career Exploration Resources

  • Career Guidance Courses

    Counseling offers career and life planning classes to help students gain self-awareness, career exploration and support with career decision making.

    CG110 Career and Life Planning

    Introduces students to strategies and procedures for effective career decision making. Providesassessment of individual personality style/traits, interests, skills/abilities, expectations, and values. Introduces methods and resources for conducting occupational research. F, W, SP 2 credits

    CG114 Career Development

    Provides strategies to integrate the personal, educational, and occupational elements of career and life development. Introduces the life-long process of career planning and transitions. Includes assessment of experiences, interests, skills, values, and personality and how these can influence career choice. Covers planning for education and training, decision making, and planning short-, medium-, and long-range career plans. F, W, Sp, Su 3 credits

    CG 225 Four Year College Transition

    Identifies criteria to use in selecting a college and major, and the connection between the transfer student's current college and four-year colleges. Provides strategies and information to assist in the transition to the four-year college systems. F, W, SP 2 credits