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Art Student Resources

We strive to connect our students with career information, educational resources, and art opportunities.

Art Program Student Scholarship

College Emergency Fund offers grants to cover small but important financial emergencies in daily life. To apply, contact Otilia Morales in the Chemeketa Foundation office Salem Bldg. 5, Rm. 264.

Other art scholarships

Art Student Show

A juried exhibit open to any student enrolled in a Chemeketa art course. The outside jury is drawn from artists in the community. Awards are granted by the President of the College, the Vice President of Academic Affairs, the Dean of Students and the jurors. The show always falls on the last two weeks of Spring term and the drop off date for jurying is the Wednesday prior.


Digital database of art, architecture, and design held by Chemeketa's Library. Find, zoom, save or print any—librarian can show you. Look for more info under database help on the library website.

Gretchen Schuette Art Gallery

Salem Bldg. 3, Rm. 122 

Two shows per term to inspire, educate, and make you think.


If you plan to major in art, talk with an adviser who has been through the process and can help choose classes.
Art History – Deanne Beausoleil Salem Bldg. 1, Rm. 234
Design – Kay Bunnenberg-Boehmer Salem Bldg. 1, Rm. 219
Drawing and Painting – Laura Mack Salem Bldg. 1, Rm. 2551-255
Three-dimensional/Ceramics – Heidi Grew Salem Bldg. 1, Rm. 244

Transfer Info

Western Oregon University transfer pathway
Oregon State University transfer pathway
Portland State University transfer pathway-1-year here (To make a plan, meet with Transfer Admissions Adviser linked here
Pacific Northwest College of Art articulation agreement and PNCA scholarship information

If you want to take art classes as part of your degree or certificate, this guide lists all art classes and how they fulfill degree requirements.

Resources for Art Majors

Art-related jobs & opportunities (via RACC)
Artists residences database

Calls for Artists

Regional Arts and Culture Council (RACC), Portland
Salem Art Association