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Maintaining Chemeketa Scholar Status

Students accepted as Chemeketa Scholars must meet the following criteria in order to maintain the scholarship for the second year.

  • Enroll full-time (12-18 credits) credits each term
    Qualifying terms include fall, winter and spring of both years. Chemeketa Scholars who take more than 18 credits are responsible for the additional tuition. The scholarship will cover the summer term between your first and second year, but only if you enroll for at least 12 credits.
  • Successfully complete at least 36 credits each year
    Chemeketa Scholars are required to enroll for at least 12 credits each term and complete at least 36 credits by the end of spring term.
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better
    GPAs for continuing students will be calculated annually following spring term to determine eligibility for the second year of the Scholars award. The minimum 3.25 GPA will be strictly adhered to. Appeals may be considered for extenuating circumstances.
  • Maintain continued enrollment in consecutive academic years
    For example, students must be enrolled for fall, winter and spring terms (summer term is optional) and return the following fall term for the full academic year.